Nervous about buying sight unseen? Then DON'T!

Pictures of the actual Beanie Babies ®

you can own!

Click on the name under the image to see a larger picture
(Use the "BACK" button on your browser to return here.)

Peace Bears in a blue BLUE box are still available
Those in a GREY box have already found a home
Teresa's Bear

Peace 87
Cathy's Bear

Peace 89

Peace 90

Peace 91

Peace 92

Selection is on a first come, first choice basis.
Click here for PRICING and ORDERING information for Peace the Bear (tm) and other Beanies.

Note: I have tried to assure that the above images represent the actual colors as closely as possible. However, due to differences in computers and monitors there could be some variation in how they appear from one system to another.

BACK to the Peace the Bear (TM) page

The above pictures are of the Beanie Babies ® I have.
The Heart Logo is copyright of Ty, Inc.
Please refer to for complete trademark and copyright information.